Admission Process | M.S. in Behavioral Health Psychology
Priority Application deadline - February 1 each year
Candidates that complete the application process by February 1 will receive a full application review. Applications will continue to be reviewed on a rolling basis until the fall cohort is full.
Interested in the Master of Science in Behavioral Health Psychology Program?
Click here to learn more about the program!
STEP 1: Submit the Graduate Studies Application
STEP 2: Complete and submit the following within the application status portal after submission of your application:
- Personal Statement - Your statement should address the following questions:
- What experiences have influenced your choice of a career in behavioral health psychology?
- Understanding that your specific goals may change, where do you see yourself in five years? Specifically, what work do you envision yourself doing and with whom will you be working?
- What competencies do you possess that will support your completion of the graduate program and meeting your goals? Provide behavioral examples of these competencies.
- Resume
- Three Professional References - Letters should be from individuals able to comment on your competencies as they relate to the items listed below. Recent undergraduates are encouraged to submit at least two of the three letters from sources familiar with your academic work, such as an advisor or professor. A third letter from a supervisor, character reference or coach is suggested. Applicants with discipline-related experiences and who graduated more than three years ago are welcome to submit two of the three letters from sources familiar with your professional work and a third from someone who can speak to your academic potential. A submission link will be sent to your reference once you enter contact information within your application.
- Your ability to excel in human services work
- Aptitude to complete a graduate program
- Official Post-Secondary Transcripts - From all institutions attended
Carroll University
Office of Admission
100 N. East Avenue
Waukesha, WI 53186
STEP 3: Qualified candidates will be invited to interview as determined by the admission committee. Interviews will be conducted virtually using Microsoft Teams.
Contact for any assistance you may need.
Baccalaureate Degree
- Students must have an undergraduate degree from an accredited institution of higher education prior to starting the program. An undergraduate major or minor in the social sciences is preferred (e.g., psychology, education, sociology).
- Minimum 3.0 cumulative undergraduate GPA
- If minimum is not met, candidates may submit a petition outlining the exception they are requesting and associated justification.
- Justification may include any of the following, but is not limited to
- 3.0 GPA in last four semesters of full-time undergraduate work
- 3.2 GPA in social science major or MS in Behavioral Health Psychology prerequisite coursework
- GRE with minimum Verbal score of 150 or 48th percentile, Analytic Writing score of 3 and Quantitative Reasoning score of 145 or 20th percentile
Pre-professional Coursework
- Applicants must have a 3.0 GPA in the pre-professional coursework listed below:
- The following courses (or equivalent) must be completed with a C or higher prior to starting the program. Students may petition to be admitted to the program with these deficits if the courses are completed with a C or higher by the end of the first semester of graduate study.
- Statistics course and/or research methods course in the social sciences
- Abnormal psychology
When pre-professional courses are repeated for a higher grade, the most recent grade will be used in the prerequisite GPA calculation.